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2024-07-09 03:46:44 [资讯] 来源:外汇探寻站

What is LIBOR Rate?

LIBOR stands for the London Interbank Offered Rate, which is the average interest rate at which major global banks can borrow from one another. This widely used benchmark serves as the first step to calculating interest rates throughout the world. It is estimated that over $350 trillion worth of financial contracts are tied to the LIBOR rate, making it one of the most important figures in the global financial system.

History of LIBOR Rate

The LIBOR rate was first introduced in 1969 by the British Bankers' Association (BBA). At the time, it was intended to provide a reference rate for Eurodollar loans – US dollar deposits held in banks outside of the United States. Over time, the usage of LIBOR expanded to include a wide range of financial products, including derivatives, mortgages, and student loans.

Calculation of LIBOR Rate

LIBOR rates are calculated and published for seven different maturities (overnight, one week, one month, two months, three months, six months, and twelve months) in five currencies (Euro, US dollar, British pound, Japanese yen, and Swiss franc). The rates are determined based on submissions from a panel of banks, which report the interest rates they would expect to pay to borrow funds from other banks. The highest and lowest submissions are disregarded, and the remaining rates are averaged to generate the daily LIBOR rates.

Significance of LIBOR Rate

The LIBOR rate serves as a crucial reference point for financial institutions when setting interest rates for various products. Many adjustable-rate financial products, such as mortgages and student loans, are linked to LIBOR. Additionally, the global derivatives market relies heavily on this benchmark rate for pricing and valuation of contracts. Given its widespread use, changes in the LIBOR rate can have significant implications for borrowers, lenders, and investors worldwide.

Challenges and Controversies

Despite its widespread use, the LIBOR rate has faced several challenges and controversies over the years. One of the most notable controversies came to light in 2012 when it was revealed that several major banks had been manipulating LIBOR submissions to benefit their trading positions. This scandal led to significant reforms in the calculation and governance of the LIBOR rate, ultimately prompting plans to phase it out by the end of 2021.

Transitioning Away from LIBOR

In response to the controversies surrounding LIBOR, global authorities have been working on a transition plan to replace it with alternative reference rates. In the United States, the Federal Reserve has introduced the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) as a potential replacement for USD LIBOR. Similarly, other currencies have identified and introduced their own alternative reference rates to mitigate the reliance on LIBOR. This transition away from LIBOR is expected to have wide-ranging effects on the global financial industry.

Impact on the Forex Market

Given the pervasive use of LIBOR in the financial markets, its phase-out and replacement with alternative reference rates are likely to have a substantial impact on the forex market. Currency exchange rates, interest rate differentials, and the pricing of forex derivatives are all intricately linked to the benchmark rates such as LIBOR. As the transition progresses, forex market participants will need to carefully monitor and adapt to the changing reference rate landscape.


The upcoming phase-out of the LIBOR rate marks a significant turning point in the global financial system. As the industry prepares for the transition to alternative reference rates, it is essential for market participants to stay informed and proactive in addressing the potential implications on their businesses and investment strategies.


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